Welcome to Design track mind by Melissa Gulley

I am an interior designer from Newton, MA having a lot of fun writing this blog between client appointments, kid stuff, kid school stuff, dog stuff, husband stuff, husband's company stuff (http://www.fueldog.com/), life stuff, old house stuff, family stuff, extended family stuff and the rest of the detail stuff. I am not a writer (clearly) so please ignore the typo's, spelling mistakes and desperate need for proofreading.

This Old House Auburndale - Final Episode. The Big Reveal!!!

Well, my husband might not forgive me for a while, but he finally figured out how to get the This Old House videos edited and published so we can show them here on the blog (and my site - http://www.melissagulley.com).  I figured we would start with the last episode.  Thanks to several late nights and a lot of swearing (apparently the swears make him feel better), this video shows just the interior design focused segments. 

In this show, we go for a tour of a custom carpet making factory where we made some custom carpets for the house.  We also go on a tour of the finished product with Norm (love him!) and take a look at the first floor, the master bedroom and the completely transformed basement.  If you haven't had a chance to see the show yet, please let me know what you think.  

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